Blending the traditions of midwifery with current standards of safe, evidenced based care.

Britt Jackson, CPM, lm

Metro Midwifery

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Britt Jackson, CPM, LM

Metro Midwifery
Phone: (612) 275-8438
1619 Dayton Ave Suite 109. St. Paul, MN 55104
Service area: 1.5 hours out of the cities in each direction

As a community midwife, I am rooted in, involved in, and a member of the community I serve. I believe in welcoming and celebrating all people and meeting people where they’re at. I believe in trust and true connection between a birthing family and their provider, and deeply trust in the processes of the families I work with.I respect the power of birth. I believe that a person’s ability to birth unhindered, on their own terms, is one of the most powerful processes a person can ever experience.

I began my education at Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, WI and transferred to the National College of Midwifery in Taos, NM after finishing my general education requirements. Throughout the years I was working on the didactic portion of my education, I apprenticed as a student midwife at a local birth center. After years of clinicals at the birth center, I moved into my final phase of training with four different home birth practices across the state of Minnesota, and received my certified professional midwife credential. Throughout my training and career as a doula, I have served over 350 birthing families.